Message from the Board regarding AIA

With the cancellation of AIA Winter Sports leaving many with questions, WGAZ is committed to providing as many safe opportunities as possible for our community. Although our activity may be called Winterguard/percussion/winds, our season schedule aligns more with the schedule of Spring Sports.

At this time, WGAZ will be moving forward with the season as is. We are providing a platform for virtual units, solos and small groups to allow students an avenue to perform. As we continue to monitor the numbers, we will also continue to offer in person events as allowed by the measurable benchmarks used to keep us safe.

We understand that the mitigation plans of each district and unit may be different, and we ask that everyone follow the guidelines and mitigation plans put in place by their school, district, or organization. WGAZ trusts that our instructors, staff and students will make the right decisions based on their needs, and we encourage you to communicate with the board if you have any questions or concerns.

Stay Safe and Healthy.